Moms are busy and ain’t no mama got time to waste!  But, that couldn’t be truer than right now! With the the way we did business before being completely thrown to the wind, moms are doing what they always do… getting resourceful and pivoting their businesses to thrive in this economy.  They’re taking their existing businesses, expertise, talents… and they’re shifting them to serve a current need.

With all these major companies pivoting, shouldn’t you be too?  Maybe your business already serves the existing need. But maybe it doesn’t.  And if it doesn’t… then what? PIVOT!

Listen mamas… I’m a mom too.  I get it. I have three little ones who need me, a husband, and three businesses, not to mention a staff and a community to serve.  No one has the luxury of space or time. But right now, with commitments and obligations gone, we can’t let time be our excuse. Time is limited and it’s up to us to optimize it and move into a business model that is both profitable and gives us the space to show up for our families the way we need to during this time.

If you want to thrive out of this historical shift, then I’m begging you to let go of whatever excuse is holding you back, take action, and know that you deserve your dreams!