Why Every Homeschool Mom Needs a Homeschool BFF Every homeschool mom goes through a similar experience. We start with the conviction that we should homeschool our children. Moms get excited with shopping for and choosing curriculum. We spend our summer planning. Then we begin. And it’s not long before we start to feel like we’re […]

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Why Every Homeschool Mom Needs a Homeschool BFF

Every homeschool mom goes through a similar experience. We start with the conviction that we should homeschool our children. Moms get excited with shopping for and choosing curriculum. We spend our summer planning.

Then we begin. And it’s not long before we start to feel like we’re going at this thing alone.

We Question Ourselves

Once the loneliness sets in we start to question our decision to homeschool.

One days when our children’s behavior or lack of interest in their studies sets in, we want to give in and hand it over to someone else. Even if we don’t admit that out loud.

It doesn’t mean we’ve lost faith in our conviction, it just means we really are meant to be in community with one another. We need a friend who gets it.

Reaching out to Friends and Finding a Homeschool BFF

This is where having a homeschool BFF can really make your homeschool experience so much better. She understands your struggles. She can hold you up with you’re feeling down. It’s often that homeschool mom BFF who reminds you of why you’re doing this in the first place. And if she’s a true friend she points you back to Jesus, so you don’t lose your way.

Friends for Life

And these friends aren’t just friends for a season. You never really outgrow them. In this podcast I share a little about Mom School and how that experience introduced me to a circle of friends who are still my friends to this day. Good friends.

The Homeschool Sisterhood

That’s why I’m kinda (okay, a lot) excited about the Homeschool Sisterhood  (referral link) with Ana Willis. I wish I’d had this opportunity when I was a brand new homeschooling mom. The opportunity to learn from a veteran homeschool mom who can share how to stay focused would’ve been such a blessing.

Wherever you’re at in your homeschooling journey, check out The Homeschool Sisterhood (referral link) and get yourself plugged in.

PS. Check out …

My podcast interview with Ana Willis, topic: How to Stop the Hustle and Find Your Purpose

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Special Thanks to Our Network Sponsor -Overcomer Movie

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Opening nationwide on August 23, OVERCOMER dares to leave you filled with hope, inspired to dream, and asks the question: what do you allow to define you?

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The post Why Every Homeschool Mom Needs a Homeschool BFF appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.

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