Special Guest Speaker — Angie Tolpin. Redeeming Childbirth & Leaving a New Legacy Together Join the Mommy Jammies Night guest, Angie Tolpin. How do we, as homeschooling mothers, engage the childbearing years, which can be physically, spiritually, and emotionally draining, with grace and joy? What legacy are we, as the church leaving with regard to […]

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Special Guest Speaker — Angie Tolpin.

Redeeming Childbirth & Leaving a New Legacy Together

Join the Mommy Jammies Night guest, Angie Tolpin. How do we, as homeschooling mothers, engage the childbearing years, which can be physically, spiritually, and emotionally draining, with grace and joy? What legacy are we, as the church leaving with regard to our view of pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood? Since childbirth is such a controversial topic within the church, Titus 2 Mentors often struggle to know just how to encourage the next generation during this season. Let’s partner with Christ to redeem childbirth together and leave a new legacy of embracing this season in a woman’s life!

Special Guest Speaker — Angie Tolpin.

Who is this talk for: Women, husbands, wives, daughters, Titus 2 Mentors, doulas, midwives, and other women’s health care professionals who want to strengthen ministry with their clients.

Read more about Angie here!
Join Our Mentoring & Support Group: http://redeemingchildbirth.com/join-our-mentoring-group/
In Christ Alone I Boast: http://redeemingchildbirth.com/boasting-in-christ/

Leaving a Legacy: http://www.angietolpin.com/

Choose Growth : http://www.choosegrowth.com/

Redeeming Childbirth: http://redeemingchildbirth.com

Facebook: http://facebook.com/leavinganintentionallegacy

Redeeming Childbirth Facebook: http://facebook.com/redeemingchildbirth

Twitter: @Angietolpin & @RedeemingBirth

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/angietolpin


Angie recently launched a new site http://CourageousMom.com! You can check out her new page at @CourageousMom!


She also launched a parenting course as well which is “The 11-Day Challenge to Encourage the Courageous Mom in You,” which you can find here: More about Angie

The post Mommy Jammies Night – Angie Tolpin appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.

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