Let’s Talk … Let it Go! Joanne Calderwood! Let it go is the refraining theme of Joanne’s life as she has experienced the ups and downs of devastating life experiences — and now shares her triumphs, and what the Lord continues to teach! From a married homeschool mom to now, a single mom of eight, […]

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Let’s Talk … Let it Go!

Joanne Calderwood!

Let it go is the refraining theme of Joanne’s life as she has experienced the ups and downs of devastating life experiences — and now shares her triumphs, and what the Lord continues to teach! From a married homeschool mom to now, a single mom of eight, a full-time banker, and the heart behind URtheMOM.com, Joanne knows all about being overwhelmed, exhausted and dealing with trials and hardship.

In this talk Joanne shares what Scripture teaches and how we often are often “our own worst enemy.” Deeply convicted by two verses rarely tapped from the book of Isaiah, Joanne will share what has changed her perspective about who she is in God’s eyes, and what God REALLLLY wants from us as Moms and as His children. If you’re feeling more than a little overwhelmed by your personal load of cares, if you don’t have any shining splendor in your heart these days, if you don’t care to ever do another day of school work again…ever! Then curl up with your cell phone, the computer a cup of tea, and listen in. Learn how to let it go. Please invite a friend – all are welcome to this FREE event.

Show Notes:

Scripture Verses:

Psalms 46:10
Isiah 50:10-11
Proverbs: 16:3

The B’s:

Being – Soul

Here are some “Let It Go” Questions & Suggestions:

Is there anything keeping you from time with Jesus?

Journal! Lay it down – let it go – just for today do not pick up the burden

Shining Splendor! She urges us to find this in the love of God

Confidence we have in Jesus Christ!



The post Let It Go appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.

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