Delightful Planning with special guest Marcy Crabtree Delightful Planning For the Young and Young At Heart! Dorothy Parker said, “The cure for boredom is curiosity. There’s no cure for curiosity.” Marcy Crabtree believes that the key to successful homeschooling begins with using the curiosity of a child as the jumping off point, preventing boredom and encouraging a […]

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Delightful Planning with special guest Marcy Crabtree

Delightful Planning For the Young and Young At Heart!

Dorothy Parker said, “The cure for boredom is curiosity. There’s no cure for curiosity.” Marcy Crabtree believes that the key to successful homeschooling begins with using the curiosity of a child as the jumping off point, preventing boredom and encouraging a love for learning. In Delightful Planning, she shares the simple ideas, tools and methods of observation you can use to create a more delightful homeschool.


Speaker: Marcy Crabtree

Author: Delightful Planning EBook – Sale Price 25% off



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