What do you do when you don't FEEL like being patient?

You're ready to lose it - and trying to fight back the tears and not lash out. I've had moments like that, and I'm sure you have to. We're not bad moms, we are just real moms.

This is what I'm doing when I feel impatient with those around me that I love.

Leave yourself reminder, like a calming Bible verse or phrase that you love, something that gives you peace and builds you up so that you are able to face whatever you are up against. Think about who has shown you patience and shown you grace. Breath Repeat your mantra Stick to your rules, the kids don't get a pass just because you're ready to lose it. Lean on your process of giving a consequence and discipline your kids in a normal way - instead of lashing out. Take a moment away Look at the situation through the other person's eyes Play along with your kids, make it into a game so it brings laughter and makes it fun Tell your partner/kids/friend how you feel Apologize if needed and commit to doing better next time


Now, what do you do when you don't feel like being patient?


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