The type of mom I am changes on any given day, but I'm truly figured out the type of mom I want to be. Mommifaceted is all about helping you get to or keep becoming the type of mom you want to be. That's why we've opened the doors to the Mommi Collective. Join us today before we start in 2020!


What is the Mommi Collective?

It's the membership portion of Mommifaceted. Within the membership you'll have access to a monthly live expert speaker. We'll have the speaker present and then you get to ask her your own personal questions in a Q&A. The monthly topics will include: 

Intimacy after children Authenticity in all spaces Becoming a mommy blogger Boundaries in motherhood Entrepreneurship while momming Financial planning more!

In addition to the monthly speaker (which will be recorded and the replay available in the portal), you'll have other exclusive content released monthly. There will be extra podcast episodes, child age based information, mindful parenting techniques, challenges, and workshops, the list is endless. We can do a lot through the membership portal and the team is ready to share all of it with you.


Sounds great right? Join at