We might not all be the most creative people out there - but we all have the skills necessary to tap into it! As mothers we have to constantly tap into that to keep our children entertained!

Jena Holliday and I talk about how she encourages each of us to nurture our imaginative side, how she built her illustration and design business while transitioning to a mom of 2, and how she wears all the hats.

We talk about grace, failure, experiences, success and life transitions as mothers.

We are all creative because we are like our creator, God.

Jena Holliday

If you're looking for your creative gifts, Jena suggests:

Pray and ask to be shown what your gifts are Journal each day to start the daily practice of creating something Read a book about inspiring people and stories Find community and/or an accountability partner

Sometimes we think we don't have time for that, but taking one day to ease your mind will make a world of difference.

Jena Holliday

Follow Jena!

A Spoonful of Faith

Mother Creative Co.

Follow Mommifaceted on Facebook for the discussion after the podcast!