Have you ever noticed how many images go through your mind in a day!? :)

This podcast is inspired by an idea I received from a Byron Katie workshop I did last year.

A lot of times we’re aware of our thoughts and emotions but we aren’t aware of the thousand of mental images that we have in a day. When we believe a thought like I’m not good enough, or she can’t do anything right, or he’s a failure, or she is uneducated, ignorant or he is angry, ungrateful, etc… there are also images that flash through our minds as we are thinking these thoughts.

This podcast is about becoming aware of all the images that dance in your mind. Especially the ones that cause you suffering. Notice how often your mind projects images into the past or future (or both). If we can become aware of how those images are tethering us to the past and the future and impacting our current joy… then, we can choose to come back to the current moment… and be with the experience at hand. We will definitely be more calm, present and empowered when we utilize this practice.

I hope you have a wonderful day and that this podcast was helpful. Sending you love and blessings! :)