Gwen began a life of play designing and building Muppets for Sesame Street. Since leaving the "street," she has found countless ways to make transformation delightful. As a coach, producer, and consultant, Gwen sparks and guides people to widen and deepen their playgrounds toward lives of artful play. She is a pioneer in the field of transpersonal play, drawing from an eclectic background that includes the MIT Media Lab, Xerox PARC, IDEO, and a Masters degree in Philosophy and Religion. Gwen has also published widely on the subject and is currently producing the creative documentary SERIOUSLY! The future depends on play.  TOPICS: Why safety is so important for play & pleasure + Why we are wired for play + What real & authentic pleasure is + How to work with negative emotions + How to create more fun, play & pleasure in your life + Why you want to be aware of toxic mimics.