Dr. Jennifer Landa specializes in helping women and men balance their hormones, restore their energy, and replenish their sex lives. At the heart of her practice is the belief that maintaining one’s health is hard work and she encourages her patients to make lifestyle changes that will result in increased health. Dr. Landa’s focused, energetic, and straightforward style comes across well when she speaks in front of groups and on camera. She lectures nationally on preventive medicine and has appeared on national and local television. Dr. Landa just completed her first book with co-author Virginia Hopkins. Their book, The Sex Drive Solution for Women, is a no-nonsense approach to many of the sex drive issues that Dr. Landa addresses with her patients every day. TOPICS: What you need to know about cortisol and stress + Why food reactions might be secretly draining your energy + What adrenal toxins are and why you want to eliminate them + How to stop the sugar roller coaster + Why hormones are vital to your ensure you feel energetic throughout your life.