Darya Pino Rose, Ph.D is a blogger, neuroscientist, and author. She is known as the founder of the blog Summer Tomato, and as a health & food contributor to The Huffington Post and other publications. In 2011, TIME named Rose's weblog, Summer Tomato, one of "50 Websites That Make the Web Great." She is the author of the book "Foodist: Using Real Food and Real Science to Lose Weight Without Dieting," published by HarperOne in May, 2013. She is currently working on a new book on the effect of dieting on happiness, emotional satisfaction, and pregnancy. Rose received a Ph.D in neurology from University of California, San Francisco in 2011 and currently resides in San Francisco, California. TOPICS: Why diets don't work + How to deal with cravings + Why you should stop doing cleanses and starving yourself to be at your ideal weight + What you need to know about creating healthy habits (and make them last) + How to eat amazingly delicious food every day and even enjoy yummy dessert.