Skinny Fat Perfect with Laura Fenimore
As a body image expert, coach, public speaker and acclaimed author, Laura Fenamore is on a mission to help women around the world finally end the constant battle with their bodies and start adoring who they see in the mirror. Her approach walks students and readers through the heartfelt journey to self-love at any size or age, unlocking the secrets of the path to lasting physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Laura is a frequent contributor to print and digital media nationwide, including First for Women, Ladies’ Home Journal, and Better Homes and Gardens.

Ultimate Freedom with Vickie Helm
Vickie Helm is a business development strategist and the bestselling author of Ultimate Freedom: Unlock the Secrets to a Life of Passion, Purpose and Prosperity. She is an entrepreneur who has built 10 successful companies. She is currently the CEO of Smart Group Firm out of Boulder, Colorado and as a keynote speaker and seminar guest she possesses a unique perspective as both a recognized business development strategist and a leading business relationship expert.