Evidence of Reincarnation with Dr. Walter Semkiw, MD, MPH
Dr. Walter Semkiw is a Board Certified Occupational Medicine physician who practices at a major medical center in San Francisco, where he served as the Assistant Chief of Occupational Medicine. Previously, he served as Medical Director for Unocal 76, a Fortune 500 oil company. After obtaining his medical degree at the University of Illinois, Chicago, he trained in psychiatry at the University of Colorado, Denver, one of the top three progams in psychiatry at the time. Dr. Semkiw embarked on reincarnation research in 1995 and he is the author of Return of the Revolutionaries: The Case for Reincarnation and Soul Groups Reunited, which was published in 2003. He has appeared on CNN and in Newsweek, as well as numerous other television and radio shows. He has been cited on numerous occasions in the Times of India, which has the largest circulation of any English language newspaper in the world. Dr. Semkiw is President of Institute for the Integration of Science, Intuition, and Sprit. http://www.iisis.net

Robert Kopecky is an author, essayist, and Emmy-nominated art director. He designed the credits for Showtime’s Weeds, designed and art directed the PBS children’s show Word World, and much more. He contributes to Gaia.com, Beliefnet, TheMindfulWord, The Utne Reader, Innerself, Soul Life Times, and elsewhere. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Sue Pike, the Animal Talker (SuePikeEnergy.com). Visit him at Art, Faith, and the Koko Lion, http://RobertKopecky.blogspot.com his lively blog of spirituality and art. His next book, How to Go to Heaven (Without Really Dying) is due out in 2018.