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Next Episode: God Sees Something In Us

May 27, 2018 | This is Trinity Sunday… a day to celebrate the greatest mystery of all… a day to ponder the dynamics of one God in three divine persons. John’s gospel’s explanation of The Trinity grows out of a conversation Jesus is having with Nicodemus, a righteous scholar, totally committed to a life governed by Mosaic Law. He respects Jesus, but he is puzzled by him. Seriously now, how can we be born again?

But as Jesus explains to a skeptical Nicodemus, our rebirth is not the product of our mother’s labour. It is not a birth into this restricted, earthly life. It is a birth in the Spirit into everlasting life. It is a direct gift from God… a rebirth in water and the Spirit… As such, we are not only “born again” … we are “born from above.”