In this episode Shakira Brown a.k.a The Small Biz Whisperer gets the low down on what it’s like to launch three seven figure business from Michael Kawula, serial entrepreneur and CEO of Social Quant, which has been labeled a top ranked Twitter tool by HubSpot, that helps Twitter users find the most relevant followers on Twitter that will interact with their business. Kawula shares amazing insights on how he invested in marketing early on for one of his businesses and ran out of cash and turned to a clever guerilla marketing tactic which set up the business for rapid growth. He also shares three amazing strategies to grow your small business by engaging on Twitter. Plus, find out why Mike’s entrepreneurial journey began just about 24 hours prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks on The World Trade Center and how far he has come since his first entrepreneurial venture.

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Try out Social Quant for Free (you will love it) for 14 Days no credit card required CLICK HERE
As Heard on the Show: Enter to Win $40K in Digital Marketing Prizes (Contest Eligibility March 25, 2017-April 25, 2017)

Have questions for Mike? Hit him up on Twitter:@MikeKawula

Look out for Mike's Book "Self Employed Now WTF" - get the book for free by signing up for the challenge!  


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