In this episode The Small Biz Whisperer aka Shakira Brown helps demystify the self- publishing book hustle with the help of business expert and author Freda Thomas. One of the pieces of advice she shares with entrepreneurs is that your expertise is one of your most valuable assets. Thought leadership – sharing your expertise as a leader in your field- is an ideal way to position yourself as an expert in the marketplace. Joining me on the show to help shed light on how to self-publish your first book is Freda Thomas, CEO of Freda Thomas Consulting. She’s a serial entrepreneur, holds an MBA from Baruch College in New York City and has 20 plus years of experience as a business coach/advisor. She is also the author of These Entrepreneurs NYC and Starting Your Own Business available at her website at

Listen to this episode to learn what you need to easily and effectively embark on publishing your own book to brand yourself as an expert in your field to get more leads and prospects.

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For even more small business mastery tips attend Growth & Success Con 2017,where you can meet and learn from Shakira in-person along with 20 other business gurus will share their expert advice to run more profitable business to 100 entrepreneurs like you. It takes place March 21, 2017 for more details visit, for agenda details and location.

Show Notes:

Freda mention many different resources during this episode here are some of them:

Self Publishing ResourcesRecord Content for your book at

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Contact Freda Thomas at 718-938-2164, or [email protected]

For more of Freda Thomas’ Self-Publishing Tips Check out: “ 10 Easy Steps to Self Publishing”



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