Join Jen and Meredith as they talk about Summertime survival for moms! They share their busy schedules, parenting challenges, and the lack of personal fun due to work commitments. Jen and Meredith would offer tips if they had any that they think would help, but they emphasize solidarity among moms and finding joy in chaos. Meredith's chats about her upcoming comedy tour. They also want to tell moms to take time to laugh and unwind! You've got this!


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Jen: See, it says "live." It says "live." We're completely live. Welcome to MomCave LIVE, where we may have lost our minds, but we haven't lost our sense of humor. Tonight, I'm live with my buddy Meredith. You might know her from "That's Inappropriate." All things that are inappropriate. We're just doing great. Are we halfway through summer?

Meredith Masony: I think so. Well, my kids go back to school on August 10. 

Jen: So you go back to school much sooner than us.

Meredith Masony: Yes, Florida goes back, but we were out on May 25.

Jen: Oh my god. Okay, so we're just shifted. It's the same thing. I'm trying to make us go live on all the platforms and go live on Instagram. Let us know if you're watching. Leave a comment on Facebook. Say hello. We're going to talk about how we survive with kids during the summer. So, Meredith, do you have a busy summer?

Meredith Masony: Well, let's see, my kids are 17, 14, and 12. My oldest just got back two days ago from seven days at a pole vaulting camp. When my daughter leaves, he leaves again on Friday for another pole vaulting camp. My daughter leaves on Sunday for a week at a camp in Tennessee, which isn't even in the same state as we are. And then she comes home on Saturday, and I get to wash all of her clothes, repack everything, and then drive her to her next camp the day after.

Jen: Oh, wow.

Surviving Busy Schedules and Enjoying a Staycation.

Meredith Masony: At that camp, she's going with my youngest. Today and tomorrow are the only two days this summer that all of my kids were home at the same time. So we decided to make a quick staycation out of it, just so we could spend some time with them. It's been brutal with sports, camps, and everyone's activities......

Read More Here: Surviving Summer| MomCave LIVE | with Meredith Masony.

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