Get ready to explore the exciting world of mnemonic-powered parenting with our special guest, Jackie Santillan, the creative mind behind 'How to Parent.' We'll uncover the ingenious acronym 'Parent,' which stands for 'Possibly Actually Remember Everything Next Time.' This unique approach not only adds a delightful twist to gentle parenting but equips you with practical tools to tackle those unforgettable family moments. Join us for an engaging journey into the world of mnemonics in parenting!

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Well, welcome to MomCave LIVE where we may have lost our minds, but we haven't lost our sense of humor. I'm Jen from MomCave. And our guest tonight, I'm super excited to talk to you because I follow her. I watch all her videos, they're super helpful, yet she's also funny and not condescending. And she's gonna tell us how she's gonna tell us about a book that she just put out called, how to parent, but it's not that kind of book. It's not like how to parent I'm telling you what to do. Its parent, its capital P dot a dot, it's the initials parent, which is an acronym. So I'm going to introduce Jackie, tell us why your book's title is an acronym.

Jackie Santillan
Well, hi, first of all, thanks for having me this and what a lovely introduction. Thank you so much. Well, okay, so I wrote this book, because I am, I didn't invent parenting. Obviously, I'm not the first parent. I didn't invent gentle parenting. But I've always been a big fan of mnemonics and acronyms to help me remember how to do things. And so I started doing that on my social media, and people really responded. And it's helped them to remember some of the strategies. I think, when you're in the middle of a tantrum or meltdown, or like big emotions of any kind. It's really hard to remember what you've learned either. However you learned it, you know? So it's helpful to have an acronym that you can be like, oh, yeah, I remember when my kids and my kids having a meltdown. And this is what I should do. And so it's a book called How to parent which stands for possibly actually remember everything next time. And every chapter is an acronym or a mnemonic to help you remember what to do in those big situations.

I love that you call it the stop drop and roll of parenting. We all remember to stop drop and roll, right? Yeah, I would definitely misfire prevention.

Jackie Santillan 
I believe it I would expect anything less. Anyway. Wait, you like you taught it?

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