This is not a full episode. This is an invitation. I’ve decided (very spontaneously, mind you) to do something a wee bit different this week. As some of you may know, PitMad is on Thursday.
PitMad is a Twitter pitching contest.

Now, as some of you may also know, I’ve sworn I will never participate in a Twitter pitching contest. Mostly because I’m not that good at The Twitter. But also because, it’s a crazy, frenetic energy that I really don’t dig.

However, I also said I would never teach high school, but then taught it for ten years AND LOVED IT.

So, I’m going to give it a shot.

Here’s where the invitation comes in. I’m inviting you to a live recording of the Mom Writes podcast on Wednesday, December 2. On it, my friend and book coach Lidija Hilje, is going to look at the first draft of my three Twitter pitches and utterly massacre them. I mean, we will tear them down and build them back up again to (hopefully) make them spectacular (crossing fingers).

We’re doing this live on Zoom at 11:30 am Eastern time. If you would like to come and listen in, email me at [email protected] and I will send you the Zoom link.

Also know that I would appreciate your support in retweeting my pitches on Thursday! My handle is @abbysmathews. If you are pitching and would like me to retweet your pitches, too, email me your Twitter handle and I will retweet you! (See email above!)

 Hope to see you guys Wednesday on Zoom, and also on Thursday on The Twitter.   

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