In this episode, I decide to personally talk about something I am passionate about changing - the way women, more specifically moms, think and feel about making money, accumulating wealth, and investing in ourselves.

The narrative today in the media is that women are bad with money, have expensive habits, and need others (men) to take care of us financially.  This narrative affects our internal beliefs and how we feel about ourselves and money.

In this episode I address:
- changing how we feel about our skill with earning and managing money.
- adopting an abundant, growth mindset.
- investing in ourselves.
- shifting the narrative around women and money.

If you want to set bigger money goals and grow your business, then sign up for my workshop "Setting and Achieving Goals for Mompreneurs". It's a 3 hour workshop on May 24 that will get you on the right track and headed towards goal achievement.  GOAL Mama GOAL!!