What do ideas, joy, peanut butter, and viruses have in common? They all spread! The first three we’re totally into. The last one…not so much. Our fifth episode is all about protecting our little ones and ourselves from all the germs. You should totally share this episode with your pregnant friends. Particularly now, in the heart of flu season and the hysteria of coronavirus, there are measures us Mama Bears can take to proactively prevent and control infections. 


Tune in to hear why hand sanitizer should be on your baby registry. Why our little ones were worth the wait (for the people we wouldn’t let see them in the first few weeks of life). Sorry, not sorry. Ways to introduce your baby to the world, without introducing germs to your new baby. How to welcome people, and adult interaction, safely in the early months of motherhood. Why breastmilk is better than ‘tussin, ginger ale, vapo rub or any other fix for sick babies or sick moms with well babies. How 20 seconds of Beyoncé can clean up even the dirtiest of us. What moms who haven’t slept in years (it feels like) can do to boost your immune systems, fight off colds, and continue to manage each #momlifecrisis, one day at a time.  Remember, even the small steps count, like getting our nails done and washing our hands…A LOT.