We’ve done a lot of things over the years to keep ourselves busy while we waited to become moms. We traveled, got degrees, adopted our first sons AKA our dogs, kissed some frogs, bought houses, picked babies names, scratched off the ones the Kardashians got to before us, counted our eggs, nearly froze them, AND, let our doctors tell it, we were dangerously close to kissing those eggs goodbye.

Our doctors think we’re old. Apparently, all pregnant women over 35 are!

On our second episode, Hurry Up and Wait, we talk about having “geriatric” or “advanced maternal age” pregnancies and why we're each happy it happened this way. 

Tune in to hear:

Why Marci hugged her fertility specialist in an elevatorHow much the universe loves J. Lo but laughs at the rest of our plansWhich one of us whispered and which one yelled about our pregnanciesOur unconventional roads to motherhoodJust how ready we were to become moms (a decade ago)What Marci’s bonus babies really think about her

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