Often times as mompreneurs we accept jobs, projects and clients into our lives that stress us out, drain us and overwhelm us. Why? Well, many times it's because we're motivated to do so by the fear of missing out on a great opportunity, or because we need the money, or because we think we have to say yes to anything and everything that helps our businesses grow. Unfortunately, saying yes to projects that don't interest you, work that drains you, or clients that don't pay you more often leads to failure than business growth. On today's Audio Blog, Lara Galloway shares her strategy to help mompreneurs know how, when and why to say no, and how doing so is saying yes to their success!

Join Lara Galloway, The Mom Biz Coach, every Tuesday and Thursday at 11:30am ET as she shares mothering tips, business strategies, and the joys and chaos of being a mom entrepreneur. If you could use a little inspiration, or a guide from someone who's "been there, done that," or if you just want to hear a mom who has learned to laugh off her mistakes and accept her life as perfect (just the way it is), you'll want to tune in every week.