What a night it was. Tears, desperation, disappointment - all that just from the radio people on the red carpet trying to get the attention of our stars for interviews. The Logies have once again been run and won and in this 57th year going live to air (for the east coast) made it all the more engaging and energetic. That doesn't mean there wasn't the pre-requisite awkwardness of say a Chris Brown and Jennifer Hawkins into, but nonetheless it was fun.
Fellow Logies tragic Mark Humphries is back to discuss the televised delights that were the 2015 Logies with me, all for your enjoyment. We discuss all the important things: Jules Lund's questioning technique, Erin Molan's nod to Sharon Stone, the #ClothAnus, The Script, Julia Morris's faux pax, The rose ceremony... SO MANY LOGIES THINGS!
As mentioned this ep there's even a visit from Bert Newton and his very special 1988 Logies Hall of Fame induction speech at the end of the pod.
Thanks for spreading the word about the return of the MolksTVTalk podcast (#MTTpod) and letting people know where to find this corner of fun on the internet.

In this episode...
* Logies, Logies, Logies!

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