On this episode of #moldfinders: RADIO you’re in for a treat!

We have Dr. Tom Moorcroft, a leader in solving complex medical mysteries, joining us for an eye-opening discussion about healing. Dr. Tom starts off by explaining his journey with Lyme Disease and how it shaped him into the doctor he is today.

We compare healing to the butterfly effect; small, consistent efforts can lead to substantial results over time. This is particularly relevant when dealing with chronic illnesses like mold or Lyme disease, which can alter a person’s cognition and emotions.

Dr. Tom introduces the concept of “hormesis,” a beneficial effect resulting from exposure to low doses of stressors. He also recommends breath work and daily gratitude exercises as simple ways to stimulate and calm the nervous system simultaneously.

Our bodies often revolt against drastic shifts.

Therefore, the practice of small, regular challenges, which slightly discomfort the body, can boost one’s health and resilience over time. Finally, Dr. Tom urges patients not to solely focus on their illness but to actively take steps toward health and recovery.

Want to learn more about Dr. Tom and his practice?

Website: www.originsofhealth.com

Origins of Health Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OriginsOfHealth

Empowered by Lyme: https://www.facebook.com/groups/empoweredbylyme/


IG: @MoldFinders

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