”How do I remove the mold in my shower?”

”Is mold making me sick?”

”Is it all in my head?”

And while these are all valid questions, there’s just simply no way I can answer these without more details about your specific situation.

On today’s episode of #moldfinders RADIO, I’m going to be talking about how It’s just like skincare.

What works for one person’s skin, isn’t just going to magically work for everyone else’s.

There’s no “now you see it, now you don’t” trick up my sleeve, I promise you.

I wish it was that easy.

So no, there’s no magic mold solution.

But there is a long-term solution — listen and find out!




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Follow these simple steps to hit the ground running...

Step 1: Subscribe To This Podcast (and please leave a review!)

Step 2: Find Out What Your ERMI Actually Means: ERMICode.com

Step 3: Text Me (yes, it’s really me!) The Mold Phone: 949-528-8704

Step 4: Book A FREE Consultation: YesWeInspect.com