Listen, I’m all for reassessing your life, trying to better yourself, and becoming the best version of you there is.
But why does this idea of transforming your life only happen ONCE a year?
Why can’t I start a new workout routine on February 11th? Or finally get my finances in order started May 3rd. What if I want to start reading more books on June 13th?
There’s so much unnecessary pressure and anxiety placed on this one day a year, when really we have so many other opportunities for improvement every day.
Break your goal setting down into quarters throughout your year.
This way, not only are you able to relieve some of the stress, but you’re also able to consistently re-evaluate what your goals truly are.
In today’s episode of #moldfinders RADIO, I walk you through exactly how I set up my goals for success.

Not sure the best way to get started? Follow these simple steps to hit the ground running...

Step 1: Subscribe To This Podcast (and please leave a review!)
Step 2: The Dust Test - A Better ERMI Alternative:
Step 3: Find Out What Your ERMI Actually Means:
Step 4: Text Me (yes, it’s really me!) The Mold Phone: 949-528-8704
Step 5: Book A FREE Consultation: