Even before you were a runner, you had probably heard the oft repeated line, “Running is 90% mental.”

I don’t think I’ve ever heard any long-time runner argue against this, because you realize pretty quickly that this is true. iF your mind wills it, if your heart is in it, if you have the necessary grit, the you will become a runner, and you will achieve the goals you set. It may take time, and it will certain require more mental tenacity than physical. This is what non-runners do not understand.

In this podcast, I pick apart the reasons why it is so mentally difficult, sometimes more than others, of course. You may not always realize the true cause of your mental struggle. I hope that understanding the root cause will help you deal with the mental side of running, and that will lead to greater success in every area of your running journey.

In this episode, I mention The Human Race, and Velma Radloff, in particular. I hope, if you haven’t seen the documentary yet, you will. Here are a couple of photos of Velma. Velma is 81 and still running, of course.

Two of my favorite runner girls. Both are in “The Human Race.”

The post MFR 139: The Mental Side of Running appeared first on Mojo for Running.

Even before you were a runner, you had probably heard the oft repeated line, “Running is 90% mental.”

I don’t think I’ve ever heard any long-time runner argue against this, because you realize pretty quickly that this is true. iF your mind wills it, if your heart is in it, if you have the necessary grit, the you will become a runner, and you will achieve the goals you set. It may take time, and it will certain require more mental tenacity than physical. This is what non-runners do not understand.

In this podcast, I pick apart the reasons why it is so mentally difficult, sometimes more than others, of course. You may not always realize the true cause of your mental struggle. I hope that understanding the root cause will help you deal with the mental side of running, and that will lead to greater success in every area of your running journey.

In this episode, I mention The Human Race, and Velma Radloff, in particular. I hope, if you haven’t seen the documentary yet, you will. Here are a couple of photos of Velma. Velma is 81 and still running, of course.

Two of my favorite runner girls. Both are in “The Human Race.”

The post MFR 139: The Mental Side of Running appeared first on Mojo for Running.