Photography News 5 Photoshop Setup Tips When you install a new version of Photoshop the first thing you’ll need to do is to set things up so that they work properly for you. Here are settings I make in the Preferences panel every time I upgrade. People Spend More Time on Instagram Than Twitter During … Continue reading →

Photography News

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5 Photoshop Setup Tips

When you install a new version of Photoshop the first thing you’ll need to do is to set things up so that they work properly for you. Here are settings I make in the Preferences panel every time I upgrade.

People Spend More Time on Instagram Than Twitter

During today’s Facebook earnings call, head honcho Mark Zuckerberg told investors that, overall, people spend “more mobile time on Instagram than Twitter,” pointing to comScore numbers to back up the claim. Not a bad justification for that huge billion dollar investment.

Nikon 1 V2

Turn life’s fast-moving adventures into amazing visual stories. Slow down reality and freeze exactly the right moment; preview end-result photos before you even shoot them; blend motion, stills and sound in a new way; take control with PSAM modes right on the dial and much more—and do it all with speed and precision.

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MT @strobist:Anyone w/first-hand recommendations for companies who bulk-scan negs? US-based, please. #Thanks! // #BelieveInFilm

— BelieveInFilm Gordon (@filmdevelop) December 11, 2012

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