I’m really excited about today’s show because this is one of those topics that I know that I need to know, but don’t know where to start. So, I’m super excited that you agreed to come on and teach me what you know about regression testing!


## Regression Testing

* What do you mean when you say “Regression Testing”?

* Why is regression testing important?

* Is there anything to install on your computer? (Testing server)

* What types of regression testing are there?

   * Unit/Functional (Mocha/Chai)

   * Behavioral (WebdriverIO, Behat)

       * Authenticated/Anonymous

   * Qualitative (Sasslint, JS lint, JSON lint)

   * Performance (Pagespeed, Perfbudget)

   * Visual Regression (wraith, phantomcss, webdrivercss)

       * How does this work on pages that have dynamic content. Homepage photos, comments etc.

* Where would you start?

   * Front-end

   * Back-end

   * Site-builder


## Where to learn

* https://visualregressiontesting.com/

* https://learn.visualregressiontesting.com/

* Free 6 day email course


## Show Links:

* Micah on drupal.org - https://www.drupal.org/u/micahgodbolt

* Micah on Twitter - https://twitter.com/micahgodbolt

* Micah’s website - https://micah.codes/

* Micah’s Book - http://www.amazon.com/Frontend-Architecture-Design-Systems-Sustainable/dp/1491926783

* https://visualregressiontesting.com/

* https://learn.visualregressiontesting.com/

* Automate Your Testing and Performance Budget - http://environmentsforhumans.com/2016/responsive-web-design-summit/

* http://styleguides.io/

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