
What is composer?

Dependency Manager for PHP

How does it relate to Drush Make?

Surprisingly similar
“Getting off the island”

What can you do with composer on a Drupal site?

download dependencies, drupal modules, themes, profiles, drush, external libraries etc

How do you download contrib modules?

How do you download contrib themes?


Can you specify where to download project? ie: modules/contrib and modules/custom?

composer/installers & davidbarratt/custom-installer

Where do you store custom modules/themes?

Two methods: Committing to your repo or creating separate repos
Reference repo in you composer.json
Toran Proxy

How can you specify and download a library to go with a module?

module should specify it in composer.json
if not submit a patch, and add to your composer.json for now



Use Cases

drupal/drupal vs drupal/core
If you want to use the project-repo/web
composer create-project drupal/drupal

Composer template for Drupal Projects

Build sites from scratch with composer install
Update drupal/modules/themes/etc. with composer update