## Drupal.org

* Prioritizing work on Drupal.org https://www.drupal.org/roadmap

    * Unblock Drupal 8

        * DrupalCI - testing infrastruture for Drupal code

        * Localize.drupal.org upgrade to D7

    * Improve search

    * Implement new documentation section and tools

* Two Factor Authentication

* Issue Credits

* Funding work

    * D8Accelerate

    * Ongoing Funding


## Work that is coming later

* Work that is coming later

    * Changes to projects (modules, themes, distros and how we discover them)

    * Continued implementation of the content strategy work [Structure Drupal.org content around areas of user activity](https://www.drupal.org/node/2481515)

    * Issue workspaces [Improve Git workflow on Drupal.org by implementing issue workspaces](https://www.drupal.org/node/2488266)


## Questions from Twitter

* [hussainweb](http://www.twitter.com/hussainweb)

I think a hierarchical menu system has it's place - Gives a continuity and mark progress if you want to read a topic. #MUP145

* [hussainweb](http://www.twitter.com/hussainweb)

Can you attribute different patches in a single issue - some to the organization and some as a volunteer? #MUP145

* [hussainweb](http://www.twitter.com/hussainweb)

Some issues get abandoned after some work. Is that never counted? #MUP145

* [Paulius Pazdrazdys](http://www.twitter.com/Paulenas]

How much Drupal.org forums are being used? Maby you are thinking to more question -> answer model as stackoverflow has? #MUP145 (Issue about the subject - [Petition to move forums to Stack Exchange](https://www.drupal.org/node/2536122))

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