## d8upgrade.org

* What is d8upgrade.org?

* When did you put the site together?

    * Today

* How were you offering the service before the site was up?

    * Talk about MVP

* Why did you guys create this service?

    * Build a more direct communication channel for module maintainers - Mailing list (module devs talk to people using module

    * Initiative to get out the catch 22 - modules aren’t ready, so you can’t upgrade, you don’t upgrade so the modules don’t get money to be upgraded.

* Does it cost anything?

    * Nope - it’s free

* Are you planning to monitize the site in any way?

    * We expect a lot of site owners will be looking for a way to upgrade their website, if they don’t yet have an agency, we can help them find a good agency. If this evolves how we imagine, this could fuel the sales pipeline for our consultancy and a few selected partners. We are not going to go hardcore salesy on this, but put in links for module work and 2for1 discounts and hopefully some of those will convert into customers for us or our partners.

* How does it work? What do I have to do to track a site?

    * As simple as possible, conscious choice to not make it a module - just copy paste your module page

* How many people have signed up so far?

    * We’ve got a total of 73 sites now, some from the same people - after Drupalcon LA we expect that to become a few hundred.

* What do you have planned for the future of the site?

    * The community misses a permission marketing channel for module developers. We would like to let site owners sign up for important information about the modules they use through a push communication channel. There is a lot of talk in the community that we are not getting any support from site owners for the development of D8, but we’ve made it almost impossible for them to stay up to date. There is no way they are going to start reading the issue queues of modules on regular basis.

* I took a look at the site and saw something called 2for1 - Give to Get. What’s that?

    * This is part of the strategy we want to use to monetise the platform: we offer our customers a 2 dollar discount on their future D8 project for every dollar they invest in helping Drupal 8 get out of the door. This gets us more business and brings outside funding into the community. For too long we’ve been giving money from one developer’s pocket to the next developer’s pocket. We hope we can change that this way. We are inviting other consultancies to join us in this campaign, if you want to join, you can become a partner in the campaign.


## Special Thanks!

Thank you [FourKitchens](http://fourkitchens.com) for the DrupalCon Ticket and [Kalamuna](http://www.kalamuna.com) for helping offset my travel expenses! You guys (and gals) are all awesome!