## D8 Theming

* What were the results of the theming survey?

    * People use Sass

    * Themes people are using


## Twig

* For anyone who’s been hiding under a rock, quickly explain what Twig is.

* drupaltwig.org

* #drupaltwig


* What do you know of that’s going on at DrupalCon Austin?

* slack.com


Frontend United copenhagen 29-31 august 

4 weeks before Drupalcon Amsterdam


## Questions from Twitter

* [Marc Drummond](http://www.twitter.com/MarcDrummond)

You should ask @mortendk if he will write a Viking Edda hailing his love of divs and classes in Drupal's default markup.

* [Marek Sotak](http://www.twitter.com/sotak)

I thought DK in your nickname stands for Denmark, now I know - Morten DivKiller? :D

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