Welcome back to the 58th Episode of the ModState Podcast. On this episode of the Mid Week Rap John and Nate explore several pressing topics that have dominated the news this week.
1)John and Nate venture into the determination of the Trump administration to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem standing in line with Israel's right to the sacred city.
2) After Israel the ModState team explores the Supreme Court case regarding an individual's right to express his religious liberty and freedom by "discriminating" against a homosexual couple by not providing a service.
3) The Federal Monuments in Utah are systematically deconstructed by the Trump administration and given back to the local and state government of Utah. At what cost?
Thanks for tuning in and for your support.

Show Notes
1)Israeli Palestine conflict https://www.vox.com/cards/israel-palestine

2) Supreme Court Case on Religious Freedom

3) Ryan Zinke's Report on National Monumentshttps://www.documentcloud.org/documents/4052225-Interior-Secretary-Ryan-Zinke-s-Report-to-the.html