Welcome back to the ModState Podcast episode 105!
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Universal Basic Income better known as UBI has been a fairly well talked about. Since the crash in 08' wages have stayed stagnant while housing, food, and daily living expenses have continued to rise. The wealth gap in this country is arguable at an all time high and more American's are struggling to make ends meet. Sooo...introduce the UBI.
What is the argument from the left? What is the argument from the right? Believe it or not there could be a fairly bipartisan agreement for something like UBI.
Tune in and find out what John and Nate have to say and where they disagree.

Show Notes:
1) Basic Income

2) Would people work less?https://www.forbes.com/sites/adigaskell/2018/03/05/does-a-universal-basic-income-discourage-work/#629ef384541b

3) http://www.senegence.com/ParlezvousGloss