Welcome back to the ModState Podcast. On this 101st episode John and Nate explore the 2nd a 4th amendment.
It is important to add a disclaimer to this episode. Neither John or Nate are conspiratorial, and this episode is by no means tin-foil hat. However, Nate lays out an important position regarding 4th amendment infringements that are insidiously happening, as we speak, with little issue from the same individuals who hold the constitution so dear. This isn't an argument about which amendment is more important but what a world will look like in an "Orwellian" state that 2nd amendment purists claim will happen if their, "guns are taken away."
With the repeal of the Propaganda Act that allows for the US government to broadcast propaganda, designed for foreign nations, to be disseminated on US soil coupled with the deconstruction of net neutrality we are far closer to an "Orwellian" state where guns may be meaningless.
Thanks for tuning in and keep engaged!