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As always thank you for tuning into the ModState Podcast. On this episode John and Nate make up for some lost ground and time. Thank you for sticking through the break as the ModState team waits for some much needed technological equipment. 

On this segment today:

Bizarre: John and Nate dive into both the ongoing Biden DHS debacle at the border. Additionally, Nate sneaks in a discussion of Supreme Court Justice Amy Barrett's lament of the hyper-politicized SCOTUS. Is this tone deaf? Nate gives a solution to her lament.

Geo-Political/Educational: On this segment the discussion revolves around the geo-political frustrating when Australia backed out of a 2016 deal with France for upgraded military equipment. This $50+ billion dollar deal was cancelled and a new deal with the UK and USA was announced. This naturally offended the French. As our oldest ally this warranted a discussion.

Main Body: John and Nate discuss the most controversial issue in the US today. Support for a $3.5 trillion dollar spending bill waxes and wanes. Most Americans are on board with this spending. For those that are against the opposition is loud. What is worth spending money on? 

As always send over your comments, concerns, topic requests and we will reach out! Leave comments were you can or send out to [email protected]