Welcome back to the ModState Podcast. As always reach out to us on Podomatic OR at [email protected]

As tension rise in Israel and the Palestinians Candace Smith brings us up to speed on the current conflict with some historical context.

Additionally, Candace helps Nate understand the difficulties that the Palestinians are facing while under the relative control of the Israeli government.

Candace has given listeners an extensive list of resources that will be helpful in further analysis and personal research.

Show Notes:

Charles D Smith, Palestine and the Arab Israeli Conflict: A History with Documents
https://www.amazon.com/Palestine-Arab-Israeli-Conflict-History Documents/dp/1457613484

Theodor Herzl, The Jewish State with foreword by Louis Lipsky

Rashid Khalidi, Palestinian Identity, The Construction of Modern National Consciousness

Amos Oz, In the Land of Israel

For some Palestinian/critical perspective for those of us who grew up only hearing the Israeli perspective, the follow are both firsthand accounts and coherent documentation of what’s happening on the ground, as well as what work is being done to affect positive change for both Israelis and Palestinians.

For coherent Infographics on Hafrada, Palestinian rights, and Land issues, etc.

Mohammed el Kurd: Writer and one of the families facing eviction in Sheikh Jarrah; he documents a lot firsthand
Wissam Nassar: and award Winning photographer from Gaza who documents life there

Jewish Voice for Peace is a good resource for how Jews/Jewishness is not in contrast to Palestinianness and Anti-Israeli Zionism
Machsom Watch is one of the groups providing Palestinians with support and identifying human rights abuses, its a group of Israeli/Jewish women (love that)