In a follow-up to Nate Wellein's solo 'cast (Episode 131), the first part of "Children in Cages," fellow staffer Jon (DeViney) joins in the discussion. This go 'round, they assess the Trump Administration stance on separating children from their parents who face prosecution due to crossing the border illegally.

Mr. DeViney and Mr. Wellein discuss the Flores Settlement, economics and immigration, what should be done about the flood across the border, broader domestic policy and political posturing amongst the U.S. Congress and its "leadership", et cetera.

In a very real way this is a pivotal segue in the blossoming trope (in editorial and multimedia terms) of Mr. Wellein's progressive, RFK Democrat approach to this and other critical policy points. Conversely, Mr. DeViney's centrist, Nixon-Rockefeller Republican fabric (social liberalism, fiscal conservatism plus "law & order" threads) serve to answer his counterpart's modern liberal idealism with an injection of stark, long-term pragmatism to temper any shared dreams of grandeur.

Tune in and enjoy part two of the ongoing discussion surrounding this expansive political wildfire.