Welcome back to the ModState Podcast. As always thank you for tuning in. Please send your comments questions and concerns to [email protected] or leave comments where ever you listen to your podcasts.

On this episode John and Nate dive into the the bizarre and educational.

1) Educational: The Nobel Prize in economics was awarded to two American men concerning auctions. In this case what makes a more efficient auction?
2) The Bizarre: Trump or Biden? Peruvian shamans predict the US election.
3) The Bizarre: Police officers in Maine have admitted to killing up to 11 porcupines.
4) The Body: John and Nate begin to debate and discuss the merits surrounding the Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation hearings. When confirmation to such influential positions occur everything is on the table. Religion, organizations she has been part of, and her past writings. John and Nate dive into and have several disagreements throughout the episode.

As always thank you for your listenership.

P.S. [note from the Managing Editor] I had my blonde moment of the year, mistaking Nate's assertion on the 3/5's rule from the Constitution with subsequent amendments and Federal statute(s). SAD! - J. DeViney

Show Notes:

1) Auction Theory

2)Trump or Biden?https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-peru-shamans/trump-or-biden-peruvian-shamans-try-to-predict-u-s-election-winner-idUSKBN2673BT

3) Killing porcupines