Episode 4 of Modified Roll, an actual play D&D podcast. Join our "heroes" as they get to know their new companion a little better and try to make a little money so they can better prepare themselves for the job they have been given, how will they manage? Find out in Episode 4 - A Street Performance 

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Podcast Recommendation of the day- D&D is for Nerds: Brought to you by Sanspants Radio, with over 2 years of content to work through this one should keep you entertained for some time. The initial episodes begin with I believe a 3.5e campaign with an experienced DM (Adam Carnevale) who likes nothing more than to punish his players for their ineptitude and slights, perceived or real. The players, Ali, Jackson and Joel, enjoy the game none-the-less and it allows for some high stakes play as unlike other D&D podcasts character death is not taboo but instead gleefully embraced.
The one thing I would say that separates this podcast a