A combination of my own podcast review and exploring the 7 Petals of the Living Building Challenge! Here I place each of my podcast episodes into one of the seven Petals to explore why they fit there and how they are achieving the goals of each petal.

The seven Petals of the Living Building Challenge are created and categorized by the International Living Future Institute. I am currently enrolled in the introductory course of this challenge and set to achieve accreditation within the next year!

Additionally, this is my 24th podcast episode and felt like a good time to do some sort of audit. My podcast has featured topics that I did not expect to have which has been awesome and eye opening! It's also brought up the question, "What do people value in an eco-friendly home?"

By placing my episodes in alignment with the seven Petals, I am able to see what areas I have covered and what areas I want to bring more attention to. This also helps reveal what type of work people value doing, topics people value discussing, and what eco-friendly changes have already been made accessible.  

The seven Petals or categories listed are: Place, Water, Energy, Health & Happiness, Materials, Equity, and Beauty. 

I explore each Petal in detail so this is a great, in-depth learning opportunity!