Repurpose your mascara wand to rehabilitate wounded animals! Wands For Wildlife is a nonprofit dedicated to collecting and distributing mascara wands to aid in animal rehabilitation. The wand is the applicator end that has bristles to apply product to your eyelashes. The wands are an ideal tool as the bristles are supple, don't break easily, and come in so many shapes. Usually, these are a one time time use plastic and are thrown away as they cannot be recycled. Wands For Wildlife has found a way to repurposes this single use plastic.

The variety of shapes are best suited for different scenarios like cleaning soot off wings or fur, removing larvae, cleaning a turtle's  neck folds, etc. Animals will need to be rehabilitated if they have been injured in natural disasters, injured by humans, left abandon, etc.

Guest speaker, Kelly Doktor, is a volunteer with W4W and received over 1 million views on her original promotional post! She received 15,000 mascara wands in the first couple of weeks! Collection can be held by anyone willing to ship mascara wands to Wands For Wildlife in North Carolina.

Currently, due to the pandemic, the collection process has stopped, however, this has given the volunteers ample time to distribute backed up supply to the rehabilitators. Collection is estimated to resume in March 2021.

Check their website or sign up for the newsletter announcement for when collection resumes as well as the address

W4W has also partnered with artists who will take the mascara wands and create murals out of them! Checkout my Instagram @moving.with.madison for a picture of the Mascara Owl!

Animal safety is a fantastic way humans can show responsibility for our part on this planet. You can select W4W to be your charity on Amazon Smile.

Remember, if there is something in your house you typically throw out, check online to see if there is another alternative. Maybe someone makes repurposed art, maybe there is a nonprofit who reuses it, or maybe there is a DIY project you can do with it. 

Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle (Compost)