Architect, Aryo Falakrou includes the psychology of place when designing a home! Creating a place and a space is not just about what color the room is and where things go. According to Aryo, it's about indulging your senses to inspire imagination and creating a space that incorporates room for your interests to grow and change!

Creating your eco-friendly home is a well rounded endeavor that needs to consider your body's wellness, your mental health, and your everyday happiness! Whether you're aging in place, a growing or shrinking family, or changing lifestyle patterns your home's architecture can impact how you feel, think, and what you do.

Feeling stuck at home? Consider creating more space for lite movement, uncluttering your front doorway, and leaving shoes and a jacket near the door for quick exits.

Feeling disconnected from your home? Create more spots around your house to do the things you love without leaving, spots to relax in while you are home, and bring in more natural light to provide the vitamin D your body gets while on the go (and look into biophilia)!

Aryo has been an architect in Vancouver, British Columbia for 35 years and is the author of "Beyond Ages: A Smooth Transition to Independent Living." Visit to learn more about Aryo!

Want to hear Aryo on another podcast? Check out "Unleash Unapologetically: Visualize Your Lifestyle In The Home You Built."