Eco-Friendly Homes are built on Eco-Friendly Gifts! Check out these indoor air enhancers and other quick easy gifts!

1) Bamboo Charcoal Purifying Bags

2) Indoor Plants - studies show greenery relaxes and uplifts people 

3) Tower Garden
Order from my friend's Juice Plus!

4) Plant Wall / Green Wall / Living Wall / Vertical Garden
41 DIY Plant Walls via

5) Moss Wall
The Fat Plant Society's article on

6) HEPA filtered air purifier
Austin Air
Conway Mega's article

7) Sheets & Giggles
Eucalyptus, biodegradable, plastic free shipping, plants 1 tree per order!
10% off "ECOHOME" or "MODERN WAYS"

8) Non-toxic household cleaning products
Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day
Dr. Bronner's
7th Generation

9) Hire a house cleaner for your friends or family!
Wise Cleaners in Boulder, CO

10) Gift cards to your local Board Certified Dermatologist, like my sponsor Hopkins Dermatology, for a HydraFacial gift card

11) Reusable water bottles

12) Reusable utensils

13) Dryer balls!