Previous Episode: Just Laugh

This year, of course, has reminded me of the importance of family, especially as we approach a season that, at least in the United States, people associate with family. Whether it's the family you were born into, the family you chose, or even the family that chose you, family is an inescapable reality in life. Still, family can be incredibly complicated, as the Torah reminds in this week's portion—Toldot. This week's portion begins with a joyous event, the birth of two sons—Esau and Jacob. But by the end of the parsha, that same family is broken and scattered, mourning the death of their patriarch Isaac while nursing long held wounds in isolation from each other.

I’m not a rabbi, so every week, I look at our Torah portion and try to put it in conversation with the world around me. Judaism is rich in tradition, and each of us deserves the chance to find our own meaning in the text. Whether you’re studying Torah daily, or taking a moment to prepare for Shabbat, I hope you’ll make these ten minutes of Torah part of your week.

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