Welcome to another episode of the Modern Markets Podcast!

Episode review:

In this episode, Siwon Kim head of Business Development at MXCFoundation joins Tytan as they discuss the following topics:

What is LPWAN tech and how is MXC foundation using this with the blockchain?

What do Cryptocurrency scams look like.

Siwon's journey back to Germany with the coronavirus lockdown ensuing.

Global Market Update:

North America

The chairman of the new Pandemic Response Accountability Committee has been replaced after less than two weeks on the job. Glenn A. Fine, a former acting inspector general, has been replaced by Sean O’Donnell, the EPA’s inspector general to oversee the $2.2 trillion stimulus bill. This move has been criticized by Democrats who have applauded Mr. Fine’s reputation as being a tough and independent investigator. There has been no official reason from the White House for the change in leadership.

South America

Latin American countries are banding together to purchase the increasingly diminished supply of PPE, or personal protective equipment. Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Paraguay have joined the international bidding war to acquire equipment that would protect medical workers and the general public from contracting the coronavirus.

European Union

Boris Johnson has been moved out of an ICU after being previously admitted for COVID-19. The UK’s Prime Minister spent three days in intensive care unit before being released and is reportedly able to go on small walks. The Prime Minister previously downplayed the severity of the pandemic and continued to shake hands as other world leaders advocated social distancing.


French doctors have proposed testing a coronavirus vaccine in Africa, sparking outrage from the international community. Dr. Jean-Paul Mira of Cochin Hospital in Paris suggested that experimental treatments be carried out in African territories where “there are no masks, no treatments and no ICUs.” Mira later apologized in a statement released by his hospital after several advocate groups quickly raised alarms, comparing this mindset to colonial behaviors of the past.


China has taken the first steps in lifting its quarantine. The city of Wuhan, where the coronavirus was first discovered, reported on Tuesday that it had zero new reported cases of COVID-19. The city of 11 million people is slowly coming back to life after being under lockdown since late January.

Data brought to you by FomoHunt's lead analyst Kaltoro, and your host Tytan Inc.

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