We've all heard (or experienced) the horror stories around cyber bullying, the consequences of sexting, or kids accidentally blowing through thousands of dollars on a popular video game. And as dads, contemplating how (and when) to grant our kids access to certain types of technology can be overwhelming. But even beyond which social media accounts or how much screen time we allow, it's imperative that they understand privacy. It's a big, loaded word, and thankfully there are experts like Marc Groman who can help us understand the important benefits of protecting one's privacy... and the very real threats when we don't. Listen to the end for a hilarious Father's Day-themed quiz! [This is part 1 of a 2 part episode.]

Episode 87 of Modern Dadhood kicks off with some shared stories between Marc and Adam about their kids' struggles with listening, and a great recommendation from Marc on how to entice your kids to be self-accountable. The conversation transitions to privacy and technology when Adam asks Marc about how he intends to address privacy protection when his twin five-year-olds are old enough to start really interacting with internet enabled devices. Spoiler alert: neither dad has a great plan!

The guys welcome privacy professional Marc Groman into the conversation. Among many other privacy-related jobs, credentials, and accolades, Marc was the first chief privacy officer of the US Federal Trade Commission, and he served in the Obama administration as chair of the Federal Privacy Council and Senior Advisor for Privacy in the White House. Marc and his husband David Reitman have a 17 year old son who they no longer monitor on social media, and trust that he has a good understanding of privacy-related issues! The conversation covers a LOT of ground, including:

•  Kids' inability to perceive potential consequences of their actions
•  Why smartphones should not be called "phones" at all.
•  How social platforms stoke FOMO which is very harmful to kids
•  The question that's far more important than "what's the right amount of screen time?"
•  What you post is permanent
•  The vital importance of being familiar with the platforms and games your kids are using
•  And more!

If you've made it this far, you're in for a treat: Marc has cooked up some Father's Day themed trivia!

Subscribe to Modern Dadhood to be alerted when Part 2 of this episode drops on Friday 7/7.

Their Own Devices (Marc's phenomenal podcast)
Marc @ Family Online Safety Institute
Red Vault Audio
Caspar Babypants
Spencer Albee
Stuffed Animal

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